Deze masterclass is speciaal ontwikkeld voor professionals in de Trust sector die kennis en ervaring willen op doen als het gaat om het melden van incidenten aan de De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). Het doel is te komen tot praktische handvaten en een gedegen afwegingskader zodat er met vertrouwen gemeld kan worden.
You’ll receive your results via email within 3 work days.
Our prices are all exempt from VAT.
You are required to attend during the indicated class times. No recording will be made and you cannot take the training in your own time. If customization is required, please let us know, and together we’ll investigate the possibilities.
In that case the training will be rescheduled or canceled. An invoice will not be sent unless the training has enough participants. You will receive the invoice approximately 2 weeks prior to the training. Have you paid via iDEAL? Then the fee will be refunded.
Let us know.
We love to hear from you.